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Natural Beauty – Natural Skin Care

What is the secret to beauty and maintaining a youthful complexion? The answer to this is truly not as complex as one might believe. There are those who obsess with the desire for 'perfection' and will go to great lengths chasing it, especially now that we have the nip & tuck beauty club & botox brigade at our disposal. For those of who are yet to succumb and I’m afraid we are becoming fewer and fewer, please read on.
I recently had the opportunity of listening to a presentation by Geraldine Cox of her plight to save Cambodian orphans from their war torn past. Many of the children she cares for have suffered severe disfigurement at the hands of the cruelty of war and as innocent pawn's forced into slavery for fear of starvation. With someone to love and care for them they have been transformed into thriving, happy children.

Having had first-hand experience with patients suffering from life threatening illnesses, I know that instilling faith in the knowledge that everything is already perfect is crucial to their acceptance of what is happening. By projecting calm loving thoughts and positive outcomes one can have a miraculous effect upon any individual. This unwavering faith can profoundly change one’s life path from fear of death and loss to bringing about a miraculous recovery in severely immuno-suppressed patients.

You may be forgiven for wondering what the heck all this has to do with beauty and maintaining a youthful complexion.  Quite simply, one needs to care for themselves in the same loving way as you would care for another. And so this how your Natural Beauty Regime should start.

1.       By caring about yourself as well as those around you. In other words take care in everything you say and do. If you exploit others for your own greed and satisfaction or act carelessly with your belongings then how do you think that reflects on your relationships? What kind of person do you think would find this behaviour attractive? 

2.       Focus on achieving balance in your day to day affairs and allow peace to enter. When your body and mind has peace and calm, stress is removed from the equation. Take time to pamper yourself a little. An holistic massage that relaxes and activates your own natural healing force can be incredibly calming allowing lightness and joy to enter. You will then know to what extent you were stressed in the first place and how, with a little effort and common sense health can reveal itself.

3.       You are what you eat as well as what you think. If you continue to fill yourself with processed food then your body will surely suffer. There are very few minerals and vitamins in foods which are processed so if you are overweight and stressed from your lifestyle then bring back some discipline by exercising, eating fresh raw and lightly cooked vegetables and unprocessed nutritional food. Eat animal protein in small portions relative to your particular need.

4.       Keep the intestines cleansed with plain yoghurt (especially the whey) and  psyllium husk. Even Ancient Egypt`s Cleopatra exercised her own natural beauty regime. Part of that regime was to espouse to colonic cleansing through ingesting senna leaves, a mild herbal laxative. 

All of these suggestions will help keep your skin clear and create healthy, internal bacteria for absorbing minerals and vitamins but is a waste of time if you continue to add your daily addiction of processed coke and chips. In general we live in a society that is overfed and undernourished. So vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids are necessary for health and vitality. In fact, the break-down of collagen, caused by deficiency of vitamin C, is the main cause of deterioration in the processes and condition of the skin, consequently leading to premature aging. That means smoking is a no-no! Moderate exercise is naturally required to keep the body fit by improving circulation and tone.

It is important to understand what your body needs nutritionally as we all have differing requirements. Listening to what your body needs is often heightened during pregnancy and can often be seen in children who naturally enjoy healthy foods when not influenced and tempted by the all too frequent addition of sweets and processed convenience foods. 5.       Finally, the body’s largest organ, the skin, needs to be cared for. Use quality aromatherapy skin care products that do not contain chemical and mineral fillers. Organically derived essential oils, essential cold-pressed carrier oils and vegetable based ingredients are far more efficacious and they do not artificially plump up the skin as do some chemical formulations. Once you stop using chemicals for a time in your beauty routine and your household you'll wonder how you ever tolerated their distinguishable artificial scent. Start by finding out what skin type you are eg. sensitive, normal, acneic/oily, dry or mature. Smooth onto your face aromatherapy cleansing lotion or facial cleansing scrub.  

Give yourself a facial sauna to help remove any built-up impurities in the skin pores. Add a drop of Roman Chamomile or Rose essential oil to a bowl of steaming hot water and inhale deeply to increase the relaxation physically and mentally thus enhancing the enjoyment of time-out!  Following your facial sauna apply an aromatherapy toner suitable to your skin type by gently wiping it on with a cotton pad and then rinse your face with cold water to stimulate the circulation. A French Clay mask is also an effective way of toning the skin and contains natural minerals. NextFind Article, massage the face and neck with a facial treatment oil containing essential oils and cold pressed carrier oils specifically blended for your skin type. You can gently pat off any excess oil with a tissue and seal with a beautiful aromatherapy moisturiser. As you care for yourself you are creating a discipline for life. Voila! Balance and beauty!

Article Tags: Natural Beauty, Skin Type
Source: Free Articles from


Angela Power has a background spanning 25 years as a health professional profiling a career in medical nursing for over 15 years and as a Natural Therapist since 1988. She has been practicing aromatherapy with oriental medicinal principles for over 18 years and enjoys writing articles on essential oils and their uses and benefits. She is renowned for her ability to provide knowledge through her real life experiences and her Garden Apothecary website provides further articles on Natural Skin Care.

Beauty Secrets Are All Around You

Your mother or grandmother can probably give you some good beauty secrets. People have different skin, and your family is more likely to have gone through the same problems that you may be experiencing. Someone in your family may have already found a treatment that helps eliminate early wrinkles or ward off pimples for your skin type.

You can also look for more beauty secrets on the World-Wide-Web. Hop online for more beauty tips, but keep in mind that some of the information you find may not work for you. Womens magazines are also a good source of beauty tips and treatments. They offer a huge variety of tips that may or may not work. You might say that half of the fun is experimenting with your friends, or spending a night alone to pamper yourself with new treatments.

Try to keep track of your own beauty secrets for future reference. There will come a time when you discover an amazing facial in the local beauty store, but a few weeks down the road, you cant remember the brand name. You can also come up with an effective homemade treatment for acne, but then forget the basic ingredients that you put in it.

Every generation thinks that they are facing a unique problem that old methods cannot handle. This idea is both true and false. Old fashioned methods can treat your beauty problems. In some cases, the environment has changed so much that your beauty or skin care needs may require new treatments.

Keep in mind that you should be careful about what you apply to your skin or what you put into your body. While drinking a lot of water is one of the effective and reliable beauty secrets that you can safely tryHealth Fitness Articles, putting a potentially harmful substance in or on your body is a risk that you should not take.

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Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Beauty Secrets. Visit our site for more helpful information about Beauty Secrets and other similar topics.

Beauty care - 7 beauty tips

Beauty care is one of the problems that most women (and men) of all ages face. Beauty, or the lack of it, is pretty much a state of mind. . .well almost. There are beauty tips for Hair Styles, Nails, Skin Care, Body and Shape, Weight Loss, Exercise, Fashion and Style, Inner Beauty and more.
Let's talk about inner beauty care. True beauty begins from the inside out. Outer beauty will only appear when you’ve practiced beauty within.

Knowing how and what to eat, can make a huge difference in how you feel. Improper eating habits can cause depression, overweight, illness and an overall lethargy. 

Change your eating and exercising habits. You can do this. Do not try to change everything at once, unless you are just one of those rare individuals that can do that.
Beauty care starts with our diet. Diet does not mean just losing weight. Diet means the food you put in your daily eating habits.

1)A rule of thumb for eating habits are...don't eat more calories than you consume. Don't go one single day without doing something extra and physical for at least 30 minutes per day. This can be three ten minute walks. Or 30 minutes of vigorous aerobics, or 12 minutes of weight lifting and 18 minutes of walking.

2) Water, you need water. Try to add at least 4 more glasses of water to your daily diet. The rule of thumb for water is 8 glasses per day; and one extra for every ten pounds overweight you are.

3) Fats, you need to know about fats. There are different kinds of fats. Some fats are better for you than others. A rule of thumb on fats is, stay away from hydrogenated fats. These are fats that solidify. They are in store bought cakes, cookies, crackers, chips and even in bran muffins. Read the labels.
Choose fats that are polyunsaturated or fats such as olive oil. And, eat some fish to get some omega-3 fats. Carbohydrates - Are your immediate fuel source. An average is about 55 percent of your diet in carbohydrates. So, a rule of thumb is, figure your protein grams, get around 25% fat per day, and the rest would be in carbohydrates.The heavier you are, the more protein you need the less carbohydrates you will need.
Fats - try not to exceed more than 25 percent fat in your daily diet. 30 is fine, too. That does not mean you can't have a junk food fast food hamburger... it just means that if you do eat that 55 percent fat burger that you are going to have to cut down on other fat filled foods for the rest of the day to balance it out.

4) Fiber - work up to getting 25 grams of Fiber per day.

5) Protein - averages about 20 percent. Divide weight by 2.2 and multiply that by .8 to get the kilograms. For men it is averages as one gram per each kilogram of weight. So, a man would divide their weight in pounds 2.2 then multiply that by .10.

6) Make exchanges gradually. Suppose you drink whole down to 2 percent. Maybe replacing two of your cups per day until you can completely change over. If you are on two percent milk, work down to 1 percent.

7) Add bran to your cereals for extra fiber. Do add it in your baking. You need to balance your diet with vegetables and fruits, too. Try adding different colors to your plate. Maybe an orange yam, and some green beans, to add color. The more variety of food colors, bring more variety of vitamins. Eat more raw foods.
Remember, exchange things, add things, and do it gradually and rememberBusiness Management Articles, live all things in life in moderation and soon you will be bouncy and vibrant and well on your way to living BEAUTIFULLY!

Article Tags: Beauty CareBeauty Tips
Source: Free Articles from


Michael Fortomas is a teacher of Biology and his Free Guide "151 Beauty Tips" is a look at specific tips, old and new, to help women meet the current perception of our societal definition of beautyVisit